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Children's Race

All About Project SAVE's 
Education Program

The right to education is a human right, and it is crucial for the exercise of other human rights. But despite our government’s efforts to provide free education to all Filipino children, there are still those who cannot benefit from this right for various reasons.

According to the "Stairway" foundation, there are three different categories of street children:

  • Children on the streets make up approximately 75% of the street children in the Philippines. They work on the streets but do not live there. They generally have a home to return to after working, and some even continue to attend school while working long hours on the streets.

  • Children of the street make their homes on the street. They make up 25%–30% of the street children in the Philippines. They often create a sort of family with their fellow street children. Some of them still have family ties, but may either rarely tend to them or view them negatively.

  • Completely abandoned children have no family ties and are entirely on their own for physical and psychological survival. They make up approximately 5%–10% of the street children in the Philippines.

Our Purpose

Helping the homeless aligns with the goal of building a more equitable society. One of the human rights is the right to education, and it is crucial for the exercise of other human rights. But despite our government’s efforts to provide free education to all Filipino children, there are still who are unable to take advantage of this privilege for a variety of reasons, the majority of which are homeless children living in urban areas. So to reach out to these youths, Project SAVE aims to address the educational gap among street children, offering them a pathway to a more promising life. By fostering an environment of learning, we aim to instill hope, knowledge, and skills that will enable these children to overcome adversities and build a foundation for sustainable development.


Sponsoring this project is worthwhile because education is a powerful tool. It enables street children to overcome disadvantages, escape homelessness, and create a brighter future. Education breaks barriers, promotes social mobility, and contributes to a more equitable society. By sponsoring Project SAVE, you can make a significant difference in the lives of these children and contribute to a brighter future for all.



Services of the Education Program

The program has three basic focuses, putting the best interest of the child at the center of the program and their holistic development as our main goal.

Education and Skill Development

 We provide street children with access to formal and informal education, addressing barriers they may face in traditional educational settings. We also empower them by imparting necessary knowledge, skills, and confidence; being able to have a more positive outlook on life.

Mental Health and Medical Services

Providing comprehensive mental health and medical services to empower individuals on their journey to holistic well-being. We believe in an integrated approach to health, recognizing the interconnectedness of physical and mental well-being. Our services are tailored to address the unique needs of each individual, promoting a comprehensive and effective healthcare experience.

Providing Basic Needs

Our street education initiative is built on the foundation of addressing not only the academic needs but also the basic needs and amenities essential for the well-being of every child. Every child in our program receives regular, nutritious meals to fuel their bodies and minds. We believe that a well-nourished child is better equipped to engage in the learning process.

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